Shinza Design is a website, graphic design and logo creation firm located in Colorado.
Our specialties include creating simple, but memorable vector logos. Unique and eye catching marketing, corportate idenity and websites.
Some might not know what vector means. Basically it means that you can blow up your logo to the size of a billboard and it wont lose quality. If at all possible designing as much with vector graphics is always prefered. Design once, use many times and on any size item you would like.
Shinza Design's goal is to designing in an easy to use media and create eye catching marketing collateral and websites that give you years to grow into and optimized for search engine robot/spider crawls.
The below animation includes some of the products we have created for our clients. All logos were designed with vector based software, websites are designed and coded by shinza design. Print products are closely designed with the clients. Paintings are commisioned.

If you would like to see more works, please feel free to visit our portfolio section.